Monday, April 19, 2010

Blog 13: Professional Web Presence

One of the main projects in EME 2040, is creating a professional web presence. This is an essential tool that can be used throughout your school career and in the business world. The purpose of a professional web presence is to give people a view of you professionally. They can look at your myspace and facebook, but they will only get a personal view and possibly information that you wouldn’t want them to see. The professional web presence allows you to create a website designed to properly represent you.

In the field of public relations, having a personal web presence is crucial. Every day you may be working with different clients. This allows them the opportunity to get to know you and decide whether they want to work with you or not. Having an impressive site, will more than likely get them to choose you. On the flip side, having an unorganized, scattered website may lose their interest in you and you may end up losing a job.

Tiffany N. Smith Web Presence

This link will take you to my web presence. I believe that when I offer this site to potential employers they will be impressed before they even meet me. This site represents both a personal and professional side and is a nice balance. In the future I will be able to add things with more experiences under my belt.

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