Monday, February 8, 2010

Blog 3: Web 2.0 Technology

Everyone is talking about it! That’s right Web 2.0 which now makes the internet a more interactive place rather than just a source of information. Social networking sites, blogs, wikis, and plenty of other applications that impact the learning environment. Rather than meeting in groups to do assignments, groups can use websites such as to post and discuss topics. As mentioned in the assigned readings, Web 2.0 is taking internet to the next level and from just a read only format to a read-write format. Students can interact, making it more interesting for them to learn.

It is important to know this information and learn about the ways to use Web 2.0 because in the field of public relations, you have to understand what is going on around you. Also you can use programs as such to locate a target audience to promote different concepts, ideas and products. Using programs such as Facebook to create a “fan” page of your company, allowing you to promote and communicate with your public. They can interact with you, so it makes it more interesting for them and they are more prone to do it.

Web 2.o...oh yeah!

I feel that this video is a great representation of Web 2.0 because it is interacting with people. This video contains footage from a lot of different people saying what they like or dislike about Web 2.0. Before with the Web 1.0, there was more of a telling and explaining rather than an interaction when signing on to the web.

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