Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Blog 9: Concept Maps

Concept maps are a great way to organize thoughts and ideas. Websites such as, Gliffy and are great tools to use to create concept maps. These programs allow people to separate ideas, link them, and move them around in a fashion that is easy to understand and see.

In Public Relations, when you are promoting something it is good to have a plan. By making concept maps using programs and websites like these, you are able to organize ideas and processes that you may have. You can also post them on the web to make them accessible to clients, colleagues or anyone who would need to know the information you are organizing.

Concept Map Video

This is a very simple example of how to make a concept map.

Blog 8: Google Documents aka Google Docs

Google documents are a great way to collaborate and revise work. Google docs are live documents that allow you to chose users that you want to be able to edit the document. Whether it is a word document or a spread sheet, those who are granted permission can edit the document and therefore eliminate the hassle of having to revise work and have many different copies of the same document. This not only saves time but also saves mistakes. Instead of having a bunch of documents to transfer revisions from, there is only one and the person who revised it has already changed what was wrong. Therefore if there was a mistake it would already be fixed and not overlooked.

In Public Relations, most of the work done is done as a group. Google docs can improve the group efficiency and efforts. They will also make it easier if someone is out of town on business, they can still play their role in the team.

Google Document Example

This is an example of a Google Doc that I can access anywhere there is internet.

Blog 7: Podcasts and sounds on the internet

Podcasts are digital sound files that allow someone to download a lecture or speaker of some sort. Other uses of itunes Garage Band or by mixing sounds from allow people to collaborate music without being near each other. They also allow the free use of their sounds and can create something different then intended, leading to innovative sounds.

Podcasts can be helpful in Public Relations because it is an easy way to promote a certain item. Podcasts can range from information people may need to know, funny segments that might catch the eye and spread faster among the viral world.

Funny Baseball Podcast

This is a funny podcast of baseball showing that podcasting can literally be done from anywhere.

Blog 6: Digital Storytelling ****BLOG 2

Digital storytelling is telling a story through animation. Using sites like and, allow users to create stories and tell the story they want with a song or just plain animation. Some of the stories created can be purely representational and require the viewer to look for an inner meaning of some sort. Or some may be completely up front about the meaning and just be for entertainment purposes.

Digital storytelling can be used in Public Relations when trying to get a message out or promote something. In the Navy, it might become useful if I am trying to compile a series of pictures from a deployment or event to compile a clip that would entertain and serve a purpose to promote the unit.

Sammy the Dog

This example is a great way to view how we can use imovie to create a digital story. The story is about the Honeymuffins and getting a new dog.